Thursday, June 21, 2007

Do you Trust?

Have you ever really thought of that?

It is so hard to trust God because you loose control.


Whatever we put in God's hands we can be assured it is safe

(~Nneka said this~)

Trust in God.

Those who know your name will trust in you, for you, LORD, have never forsaken those who seek you.

Psalm 9:10

If you fully trust in God and you seek him out will he not grant you the desires of your heart? If your desires are for God's Glory and His Power will he not provide it?

God is so amazing.

This week has been Good.

Through fasting I am learning that I am content.

I am content in where I am at with God.

God has shown me that he is pleased with me and loves me for me.

I am set apart.

For His works.

For His people.

I have been chosen by God.

What calling is better than that?

I trust.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Strengthen Yourself to Lead

Hebrews 12:12-13
Therefore strengthen the hands which hang down, and the feeble knees, and make straight paths for your feet, so that what is lame may not be dislocated, but rather be healed.

I was looking through my bible last night and I found this highlighted and next to it I wrote Strengthen Yourself to Lead. When I saw this my heart just started racing. I realized I am straighting my paths before God and I am preparing myself to Lead. These past couple of days have been amazing. God has given my taste of things that I can't even explain.

Yesterday my church began a 7 day fast. I have committed to that because I feel it is important to support my pastors and leaders. Not only will I grow with God but I will be growing with my church family.
Another reason is I fully trust and believe my Pastors and Leaders. Every time I have ever doubted them I have asked and when they explain to me and I understand.

God has really poured out his blessing on these people. There is no one better I would want to follow when it comes to God's plan.

Unity has always been a big thing on my heart.
This week that is going to be a Key Factor!

We must be one in the spirit. We must be one in the Lord.