Friday, March 23, 2007

Demetri Martin Standup Comedy

Ha... Wait till the End...

Heart Rate is Rapidly Increasing

Massive Heart Attack!

No not Really.

As we continue to meet every Thursday morning for our Way meetings, God is continually showing me the wisdom he has given to the other team members.

Not only wisdom, but heart.

These team members are amazing.

God has placed us together knowing that our personalities are different, our walks with Him are different, our family life and all of our struggles are different... but yet... none the less... We all fall into perfect little niches and fit right together.

Like a puzzle.

I love it.

Yesterday as I was sitting there listening to all of them talk... I really felt as if I had a whole new group of friends.

They were all ready family... but to me family means always having to care for them... but with friends you choose whether or not you want to care for them.

And I have chosen.

As Christians we are called to love all people.
(I constantly fail at that.)

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

I Keep On Pressing.

Speak to me, when all you got to keep is strong
Move along, move along like I know you do
And even when your hope is gone
Move along, move along just to make it through
~All American Reject Lyrics

So this is what comes to mind.

If God could say something to me right now... it would be those lyrics.

I love being an intern... but sometimes... you get a kick in the butt.

I feel as if there is so much I want to share with the students, but there is a HUGE WALL!

These past couple of months have been the hardest of all.

I personally... am disapointed in myself. I feel as if I am missing the mark. I can feel God telling me that "Its okay. Just keep going. Your heart is in this for the students not for you."

It is times like this where I want to step back and say "I Quit."

But... I can't. I am way stronger than this... I just have to press through.

Please keep me in your prayers.

I'll keep on pressing.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

I Have a Secret

I have a secret.

Its a secret that only God knows.

Tonight we did a night of Praise and Worship.

Plus we met two missionary women from Thailand. They are Extraordinary.

There is a need for a Worship Leader in Bancock. (If thats how you spell it.)

Can you imagine that?

Someone, some where in the world is being called to fulfill this need whether they know it or not. God is planting seeds and placing people in their path all within His perfect timing.

I am praying about going to Thailand this summer. It has to be a God thing.

Not a me thing.

So Please pray.


Yes I do have a secret that I will share one day, but not yet.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Gods Constant Reminder

Sometimes I get so set in my routine.

Last night when talking to my worship leader about who needed to worship for our Celebrating Recovery class I was the lucky one chosen.

This sounds selfish.... so remember I am human and I constantly fail.

First of all...
I didn't want to give up part of my Friday night.
I wanted to just hang out and relax.

So I go down to the church and I am setting everything up. I felt as if everything was going wrong. I could tell that God was wanting me to break my routine.

So I grab a stool and I go and sit on the same level as the small group to worship. (Like instead of standing on the stage)

As I feel like I am about to ruin everything God presses on my heart to tell them its okay to sing to him within a small group. Don't be concerened about the people next to you.

So we proceed to do a couple of worship songs and I am just messing up left and right with my fingers.

For some reason my fingers and my guitar are in a dispute.

I am just thinking to myself why are so disoriented tonight?

Then it hits me.

God is still waiting for me to meet him.

I lower my voice and listen to the other eight people singing. It was beautiful. They were in his presence and I was not.

I stop playing the guitar.

I lift my hands and I sing out to God.

Then I relize its not that my fingers arent meeting my guitar.

Im not meeting God.

I never cease to be in awe at what God has to tell me.

Friday, March 9, 2007

Seeker vs Believer

Love God
Love People
Love the World

Easy Right?

So our meeting on Thursday morning for The Way was good. We talked a lot about being Gods masterpiece.

Ephesians 2:10
10For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

10For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.

10 For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.

Isn't that way cool? We were crafted in such a way that is unexplainable that we are called his masterpiece!
So not only are we a beautiful masterpiece, but we have good things prepared by God for us to walk in.



Believer vs Seekers

When begining a church plant which direction do you want to go?

Trick Question.


As I told John Bryant "How can you possibly choose? Whatever one you pick you are leaving out the other."

What do I mean by this?

Okay... Its pretty simple.

Believer Focus: We dig into the Bible with Great Depth and learn more of Gods word. Hopefully you will have some knowledge of who Christ is before you come. Because we want to grow and not wait for you to catch up.

Seeker Focus: We have an alter call every week and God is saving people left and right! Everywhere you look a new believer is popping up. Now what? What do you we do with them? Ahh... Who knows... but lets keep saving them!

Now I know I sound a little sarcastic and a bit over exagerated, but I was trying to do that so you understand what I mean.

If we aren't Believer centered and we aren't Seeker centered...

Then what are we?

...Drum Roll Please...

Jesus Centered.

Too easy right?

Jesus appealed to both the Believer and the Seeker.

Did he not?

We Focus on Jesus and who he was and what he did and how.

Our ultimate Focus is God.

The Way Vision

What is our vision you might ask?
Ahh... Who knows. We can try to make what up, but whats the point?

Gods Vision for they way?
Wow I am glad you asked!

Love God
Love People
Love the World

Friday, March 2, 2007

The Way Fellowship

Well this is where you all can read my thoughts.
Good and Bad.
Peace Out!
God is Cool.