Wednesday, March 21, 2007

I Keep On Pressing.

Speak to me, when all you got to keep is strong
Move along, move along like I know you do
And even when your hope is gone
Move along, move along just to make it through
~All American Reject Lyrics

So this is what comes to mind.

If God could say something to me right now... it would be those lyrics.

I love being an intern... but sometimes... you get a kick in the butt.

I feel as if there is so much I want to share with the students, but there is a HUGE WALL!

These past couple of months have been the hardest of all.

I personally... am disapointed in myself. I feel as if I am missing the mark. I can feel God telling me that "Its okay. Just keep going. Your heart is in this for the students not for you."

It is times like this where I want to step back and say "I Quit."

But... I can't. I am way stronger than this... I just have to press through.

Please keep me in your prayers.

I'll keep on pressing.

1 comment:

Kim said...

I am so proud of you. Keep in there you will see a break through and you never know what kind of impact you are having on the students right now - you don't always see the fruits of your labor but God knows your heart. - love ya!!!