Saturday, March 10, 2007

Gods Constant Reminder

Sometimes I get so set in my routine.

Last night when talking to my worship leader about who needed to worship for our Celebrating Recovery class I was the lucky one chosen.

This sounds selfish.... so remember I am human and I constantly fail.

First of all...
I didn't want to give up part of my Friday night.
I wanted to just hang out and relax.

So I go down to the church and I am setting everything up. I felt as if everything was going wrong. I could tell that God was wanting me to break my routine.

So I grab a stool and I go and sit on the same level as the small group to worship. (Like instead of standing on the stage)

As I feel like I am about to ruin everything God presses on my heart to tell them its okay to sing to him within a small group. Don't be concerened about the people next to you.

So we proceed to do a couple of worship songs and I am just messing up left and right with my fingers.

For some reason my fingers and my guitar are in a dispute.

I am just thinking to myself why are so disoriented tonight?

Then it hits me.

God is still waiting for me to meet him.

I lower my voice and listen to the other eight people singing. It was beautiful. They were in his presence and I was not.

I stop playing the guitar.

I lift my hands and I sing out to God.

Then I relize its not that my fingers arent meeting my guitar.

Im not meeting God.

I never cease to be in awe at what God has to tell me.


Cyndi said...

Man, I wish I had called you back last night.

You are so right.

Kim said...

I love seeing how God works in your life. You are amazing.